Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stop the Insanity

I have an odd habit for a lefty liberal; I sometimes listen to conservative talk radio. Not every day, but fairly often. I usually listen to it in the car on the way to and from my son's preschool or on one of our practically daily trips to Kroger or the library. Some might call me a glutton for punishment. I think I just like to marvel at the stupidity so evident in the discussions and also get a peek into the conservative mind.

Today, I caught about 10 minutes of the master of right-wing rants, Rush Limbaugh. Now, I really, really dislike this guy. Occasionally one of the other talk jockeys will make a point that I can see at least a shard of truth in, but never Rush. He just spews irresponsible lies and divisiveness. I usually just switch the station because he gets me so hot and bothered.

Today, though, distracted by traffic, I kept the drivel on. I have read and heard about Rush's appeals to conservative voters to vote for Hillary in an attempt to throw the Democratic primary. Today I got to hear the man himself proselytize about this "Operation Chaos," which he says is his attempt to create chaos in the Democratic party.

Some in the media have speculated that Rush's sermons and call to action actually did have an effect on the Texas and Ohio elections. Rush's listeners are the kind of folks who actually show up to vote, so he very well may have had a hand in Clinton's victories. Just the other day, I heard on another station that someone has filed a complaint with the FCC over Rush's crusade.

I hate what Rush is doing. However, in the US, we have a little thing called the free press. This is a good thing. However, journalists should also act within ethical standards and perhaps Rush has overstepped that line. He's not really a journalist, but he is a media personality and shouldn't he be held to some standards? Hasn't he in fact, encouraged voter fraud?

Some folks in Ohio, seem to think so. The Election Board in Cleveland is investigating voter fraud by the thousands of voters previously registered Republicans who switched to the Democratic party prior to the primary in order to vote for Hillary. This fraud is a fifth-degree felony.

It is one thing for media to cover actual news events and to commentate on people and events. It is another for a media outlet or personality to encourage untruthful and fraudulent behavior in citizens. I think someone needs to pull the plug on him for this.


Anonymous said...

Ah Liz, fortunalely not only do we have freedom of the press, but freedom of speech. Every year we hear these kind of stories and what comes out of them...nothing. There is never any evidence, nobody is convicted and no decisions are reversed. Let the man blather. like it or not the results in Ohio, like the results in PA are going to be largly Clinton. We working class folks ain't got time for all that rhetoric. We wants plans. Also like a man today wrote...we don't want to start the conversation on race because we've been having it for the last 40 years. Its like kids asking a question over and over till they get a response they like. So don't let Rush get under your skin. It'll all work out the way its supposed to.

Anonymous said...

Also keep in mind that the Obama campaign is running ads asking Republicans to change their registration and vote for him in the primary.

Jennifer S said...

Unfortunately, it's not just the conservatives who are doing this sort of thing (though I think your specific point addresses whether a high-profile media figure should try to influence the vote, which is a different matter).

In the Michigan primary, my sister voted for Romney, even though as a registered Independent and a liberal, I know she will vote Democrat in the general election. There was a movement in the state to vote for Romney, since he was the least likely candidate to win the Republican nomination.

I understand why my sister did this, but as a country, we could do more to elevate the process. I wonder, is this a fairly new practice? Or is it common, historically?

Don Mills Diva said...

Too me Rush Limbaugh truly is a symbol of all that is wrong with the world - ignorant, hypocritical, churlish - just a horrible man.

Anonymous said...

What don mills diva said...

Laura said...

Just wanted to let you know that I added you to my blogroll of pro-Obama bloggers at If you didn't want to be added just let me know and I will take you off. Feel free to link back if you feel like it.

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I am a conservative and my head is spining. But not all of us conservatives like Rush. Really I am more of a hybrid...

did I mention I am loving your blog?!!!!